Sergey Buglivykh
Software Developer
For over 20 years I have been developing software, web services, desktop and mobile applications. Mostly in Java using various databases and frameworks. I am result-oriented, independent person and I have many years of successful experience in remote work. I love creating services that help businesses become successful and their customers become happy. I am attentive to software architecture, using design patterns, respect such principles as GRASP, SOLID, etc. I try to follow current trends, study new technologies and approaches in software development.
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Technical skills
  • OS: Windows, CentOS, Ubuntu
    Languages: Java, Kotlin, C#, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS/LESS/SASS, JavaScript
    Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Neo4J
    Frameworks: Spring (Boot, MVC), .Net, Bootstrap 4/5, JQuery, Vue, React JS, NodeJS
    Other: Scrum, Git, CI/CD, Docker, SVN, Maven, Jira, YouTrack
Work experience
Marth 2019 - ...
Intesa SanPaolo Bank, Koper
Software developer
Development and support of internal bank applications and REST APIes. Technologies: .Net, Java, JBoss, DB2
February 2015 - February 2019
Freelance, Slovenia
Development for own clients, remote work

for Paradox, Moscow,
as Front-end developer.
HTML layouting based on Figma design: HTML, CSS/LESS, JQuery

for Toughbyte, Helsinki,
as Android developer.
I was involved in a project to develop an android app to manage with equipments of the garbage collecting company.
Technologies: Java for Android, Android Studio

as Front-end developer.
As part of a team of 3 people I developed a portal for merchants. The company is engaged in solutions to increase employee loyalty. Incentives, rewards, corporate catering.
Technologies: React JS, Redux, Webpack, Node JS

as Full-stack developer.
Development of an online service to sell credit histories data in a team of 4 people. I worked mainly as a front-end developer.
Technologies: Spring Boot, JBoss, WebServices, AngularJS, Freemarker, HTML
Workflow: Scrum, JIRA, Git, Slack.

for Performability, Netherland,
Development a survey system for Netherland consulting company: Java, Spring, XML/XSLT/FOP, Freemarker, HTML, CSS/LESS, MySQL

for SberHealth, Moscow,
Development of a service for online appointment to private medical clinics: Java, Spring, Hibernate, MySql, Sphinx, Tomcat, AngularJS, Freemarker

January 2014 - February 2015
Web-Sellers, Novosibirsk
Full-stack developer
Automation of everyday work of advertising agency.
I created a web-service to create a large number of advertisements in, Yandex-Direct and Google AdWords, morphological analysis of search phrases, planning and reporting of finances in advertising campaigns: Java, Tomcat, MongoDB, JQuery, Bootstrap, MyStem
August 2011 - June 2013
Brandmaker Gmbh, Novosibirsk
Java engineer
MRM (Marketing Resource Management) system development for a German company. I developed a webservice to integrate MRM with Adobe InDesign and also developed and improved a wide range of other product functionalities.
Technologies: Java, EJB3, JBoss7, JPA, Hibernate, SOAP, MySQL, MSSQL, Struts, ExtJS.
Workflow: JIRA, SVN, CI Jenkins, Scrum.
November 2010 - August 2011
Shamrock Mobile, Novosibirsk
Java engineer
Support and development of an high-load sms-platform. My duties were to develop a system for statistical reports and a database support. I developed a functionality to support the USSD protocol and solved different problems with sms-service statistics.
Technologies: Java, Resin, PostgreSQL, JPA, Cucumber, Spring.
Workflow: JIRA, SVN, CI Cruise Control
June 2005 - July 2009
Rambler Internet Holding, Moscow
Java engineer
Support and development of a sms-platform. Solving questions around sms-statistics. Database support. I developed a wide range of sms-services and wap-sites for our customers such as P&G, ICQ, Gillette and others. Designed and developed an sms-statistics product for our product-managers.
Technologies: Java, Spring IoC, MVC, Hibernate, JSP/JSTL, Tomcat, MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL
April 2002 - April 2005
Informatic Ltd, Moscow
I designed and developed a swing application (rich client) for our customer. It was an ERP-like system that included a supply management module, product management module and a warehouse module. Also I designed and developed a CMS-system: Java, Swing, Oracle, JSP/JSTL, Tomcat, MySQL, SVN
November 2001 - April 2002
Intellisoft, Moscow
Java engineer
ERP system development for USA customers: Java, Swing, Applets, EJB, JBoss, Oracle
August 1999 - April 2001
Bacup IT Ltd, Novosibirsk
System engineer
Software development for German customers: Java, C++ (Borland C++), Pascal (Delphi), MySQL
September 1997 - June 1999
Commercial bank "Sibirian Bank", Novosibirsk
Support engineer
Banking software and hardware support. Creating reports with VBA in FoxPro
2007 - 2008
Business analyst and IT-project manager
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow
1991 - 1996
Engineer of Information Science and Computers
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences. Design and Technology of Radioelectronic Equipment, Novosibirsk
Additional courses
Inovex. SCRUM methodology
SCRUM methodology in software development.
Novosibirsk State University
Training. Innovation in IT. From idea to business
2010 – Gold and bronze awards from the Chamber of Commerce of the Novosibirsk region at the fair "Internet projects of the Novosibirsk region" for two own projects in the field of communication and measurement of consumer experience.
Pet projects
  • Sentence segmentation, tagging and lemmatization

    A REST service for a sentence segmentation, tagging and lemmatization of a row text in Slovenian language.

    Technologies: Java 11, MongoDB, Swagger, Maven
  • Animated overlays for sport streams
    A desktop application that allows you to place animated widgets on top of your videostream, such as a participant information, teamplay score, starting list and other.

    Technologies: NodeJS, ElectronJS, Express, WebSockets, Vue, NeDB
  • AI service to count moving objects
    A Python service that analyzes a video or a series of images and counts the number of moving objects such as people, animals, cars, etc.

    Technologies: Python, Anaconda, OpenCV, dLib, Numpy
  • In-memory DB
    Java library - a simple document oriented in-memory database. It has a MongoDB like query languages.

    Technologies: Java 11, Maven
  • Reactive API
    Demo implementation of Reactive REST API in java using Spring WebFlux. 

    Technologies: Java 11, Maven, Spring WebFlux, OpenAPI 3, Docker Compose, Mongo DB
I was born on November 20, 1974 in Novosibirsk, where I also studied and grew up. In the 8th grade of the scool, I took a great interest in programming at the courses of professional preparation. Two years later I passed my first exam as a programmer and laboratory assistant at the Novosibirsk Center of Informatics.
I studied at the Siberian University of Telecommunications and Informatics which I graduated in 1996 as an Engineer of Information Science and Computers.
After graduation, after some time I got a job as a programmer and since I have been doing it with pleasure.
In 2001, I went to live to Moscow, where I worked in one of the companies that developed linguistic products for the Microsoft office and Rambler, a fairly large company at that time. In 2008 I returned to Novosibirsk, because life in Moscow has become too stressful.
In 2015, my family and I moved to Slovenia, where I live and work to this day.
sergey.buglivykh [AT]
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